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Definitions from WordNet

Noun mahound has 1 sense
  1. Mohammed, Mohammad, Muhammad, Mahomet, Mahound - the Arab prophet who founded Islam (570-632)
    --1 is a kind of prophet

Definitions from the Web

Mahound (Noun)

Definition: An archaic term used to refer to the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

Example sentence:

During the Middle Ages, some European writers portrayed Mahound as a false prophet.

Click here to search for books related to Mahound on Amazon.

Mahound (Noun)

Definition: A derogatory term used to describe a contemptible or vile person.

Example sentence:

He acted like a complete Mahound, showing no respect for anyone around him.

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Mahound (Local)

Definition: A term used in local folklore to refer to a mythical dog-like creature that is said to haunt the woods.

Example sentence:

Local legends tell tales of encounters with the terrifying Mahound that left witnesses in fear for their lives.

Click here to search for items related to Mahound folklore on Amazon.

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