Definitions from WordNet
Noun magnifier has 1 sense
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Definitions from the WebMagnifierA magnifier is a tool or device that is used to enlarge and enhance the appearance of objects or text, often making them easier to see or read. 1. Noun: Optical ToolSense: A small handheld optical tool used for magnifying and examining objects, typically equipped with a lens or a combination of lenses. Example sentence: He used a magnifier to inspect the tiny details of the precious gem. Related products: Magnifiers on Amazon 2. Noun: Electronic DeviceSense: An electronic or digital device that uses a camera and screen to enlarge and enhance the visual content. Example sentence: The visually impaired student used an electronic magnifier to read the notes on the whiteboard. Related products: Digital Magnifiers on Amazon 3. Noun: Popular TermSense: A colloquial term used to refer to a person who greatly exaggerates or emphasizes minor details or issues. Example sentence: My brother is such a magnifier; he always finds faults in everything. 4. Adjective: AmplifyingSense: Describes something that intensifies or enhances the effect, importance, or significance. Example sentence: The magnifier effect of the music added depth to the emotional scene in the movie. Note: This content is for informational purposes only and may not be exhaustive in terms of all possible meanings and usages of the term "magnifier". | |||||
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