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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective lymphatic has 1 sense
  1. lymphatic - of or relating to or produced by lymph

Definitions from the Web



The term "lymphatic" refers to anything related to the lymphatic system, which is a network of vessels and nodes that help carry a clear fluid called lymph throughout the body, playing a crucial role in the immune system.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun
  • Adjective



1. Lymphatic: A person who has a sluggish or bloated appearance.

Example sentence: She looked like a lymphatic after indulging in a heavy meal.

Amazon related products: Lymphatic Drainage Massage Products


1. Lymphatic: Relating to or affecting the lymphatic system.

Example sentence: The lymphatic vessels are responsible for transporting lymph throughout the body.

2. Lymphatic: Pertaining to or characterized by excessive accumulation of lymph.

Example sentence: The doctor diagnosed her with lymphatic edema that caused severe swelling.

Amazon related products: Lymphatic Support Supplements


Popular: In popular usage, "lymphatic" often refers to activities or practices that promote the health and detoxification of the lymphatic system, such as lymphatic massages or exercises.

Example sentence: Many wellness enthusiasts incorporate lymphatic exercises into their fitness routines.

Local: In local terminology, "lymphatic" may be used to describe a person with a lack of energy or vitality.

Example sentence: After a long day at work, he felt extremely lymphatic and had no energy for socializing.

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