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luchino visconti


Definitions from WordNet

Noun luchino visconti has 1 sense
  1. Visconti, Luchino Visconti, Don Luchino Visconti Conte di Modrone - Italian filmmaker (1906-1976)
    --1 is a kind of film maker, filmmaker, film producer, movie maker

Definitions from the Web

Luchino Visconti


Luchino Visconti was a renowned Italian film director, screenwriter, and stage director. He is considered one of the pioneers of Italian neorealism and a master of European cinema. Visconti's films are known for their intricate storytelling, lush visuals, and deep exploration of political and social themes.

Senses and Usages:

As a Proper Noun:

Luchino Visconti refers to the Italian film director and his body of work.

Example Sentence: The film "The Leopard," directed by Luchino Visconti, is hailed as a masterpiece of Italian cinema.

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As an Adjective:

The term Viscontian is used to describe something characteristic of or resembling the style or themes present in Luchino Visconti's works.

Example Sentence: The opera production was visually stunning and had a Viscontian feel to it.

As a Verb:

Viscontize can be used to mean adapting or presenting something in a manner inspired by Luchino Visconti's approach.

Example Sentence: The director decided to Viscontize Shakespeare's play by setting it in a 19th-century aristocratic Italian palace.

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