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lower-profile (adjective)

Description: Lower-profile refers to something or someone that is relatively less famous, well-known, or visible compared to others in a similar category or domain.

Sample Sentences:

  • She prefers to take on lower-profile roles in her acting career, rather than seeking fame.
  • The lower-profile candidate unexpectedly won the election, surprising many political analysts.
  • This smartphone model is a lower-profile option compared to the latest flagship devices.

lower-profile (noun)

Description: Lower-profile can also be used as a noun to refer to a person or thing that has a low level of public recognition, importance, or prominence.

Sample Sentences:

  • Although he is a lower-profile in the industry, his expertise and knowledge are highly respected.
  • The lower-profile of the two artworks in the gallery garnered less attention from visitors.
  • I prefer working with lower-profile companies because they often provide more personalized service.

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