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love handles


Definitions from WordNet

Noun love handle has 1 sense
  1. spare tire, love handle - excess fat around the waistline
    --1 is a kind of adipose tissue, fat, fatty tissue
    --1 is a part of torso, trunk, body

Definitions from the Web

Love Handles


Popular: Love handles refer to the excess fat deposits found on the sides of the waist, especially noticeable when a person wears tight clothing. They are commonly associated with weight gain or lack of exercise.

Local: Love handles can also refer to the affectionate grip that a person places on someone's waist or hips, especially in a romantic or playful manner. It signifies a display of affection and intimacy.


Popular Usage:

1. Regular cardio exercises and a balanced diet can help reduce the appearance of love handles.

2. The snug jeans accentuated Sarah's love handles, making her conscious of her body.

3. Many fitness enthusiasts try different workouts to specifically target the love handles for toning.

Local Usage:

1. Jake wrapped his arms around Emily's waist, gently holding her love handles as they danced together.

2. As they strolled hand in hand, Mark playfully squeezed his partner's love handles, causing them both to laugh.

3. Feeling loved and secure, Sarah leaned against John's strong love handles while they watched the sunset.

Related Products:

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