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louis bleriot


Definitions from WordNet

Noun louis bleriot has 1 sense
  1. Bleriot, Louis Bleriot - French aviator who in 1909 made the first flight across the English Channel (1872-1936)
    --1 is a kind of aviator, aeronaut, airman, flier, flyer

Definitions from the Web

Louis Bleriot


Louis Bleriot was a pioneering French aviator, inventor, and engineer. He is best known for making the first flight across the English Channel in a powered aircraft, successfully completing the journey from France to England on July 25, 1909.

Sample Sentences:

  1. Louis Bleriot's groundbreaking flight across the English Channel revolutionized the field of aviation.
  2. Many aviation enthusiasts consider Louis Bleriot as one of the most influential figures in the early days of aviation.
  3. The Louis Bleriot Memorial in Calais, France, commemorates his historic achievement.

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