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Definitions from WordNet

Noun lota has 2 senses
  1. lota - a globular water bottle used in Asia
    --1 is a kind of
    water bottle
  2. Lota, genus Lota - burbot
    --2 is a kind of fish genus
    --2 is a member of Gadidae, family Gadidae

Definitions from the Web


Noun: 1. A small water container consisting of an often pear-shaped body with a handle and a spout, typically used in India.
Example sentence: My grandmother always keeps a lota filled with water near her bed.

Noun: 2. (slang) A foolish or silly person.
Example sentence: Don't pay attention to him, he's just a lota.

Noun: 3. (obsolete) A very small quantity or portion.
Example sentence: The recipe only requires a lota of salt.

Adjective: 1. (popular) Relating to or characteristic of a specific locality or region.
Example sentence: The store sells lota crafts made by local artisans.

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