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lorado taft


Definitions from WordNet

Noun lorado taft has 1 sense
  1. Taft, Lorado Taft - United States sculptor (1860-1936)
    --1 is a kind of sculptor, sculpturer, carver, statue maker

Definitions from the Web

Lorado Taft


Lorado Taft was an American sculptor, educator, and writer who played a significant role in the development of American art. He is best known for his monumental sculptures, including the Fountain of Time and The Awakening. Taft was an influential figure in the Chicago art scene and helped establish the Midway Studios, which became a hub for aspiring artists.

Sample Sentences:

1. Lorado Taft's sculptures can be found in various cities across the United States.

2. The students at Midway Studios were fortunate to receive guidance from Lorado Taft himself.

3. Many art enthusiasts admire the level of detail and craftsmanship in Taft's works.

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