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lookout man


Definitions from WordNet

Noun lookout man has 1 sense
  1. lookout, lookout man, sentinel, sentry, watch, spotter, scout, picket - a person employed to watch for something to happen
    --1 is a kind of watchman, watcher, security guard

Definitions from the Web

Term: Lookout Man


A lookout man is a person who is assigned to keep watch or keep a vigil in order to spot potential dangers, provide warnings and ensure the safety and security of a specific area or group.


Sense 1:

Noun: A person responsible for maintaining a lookout.

Example Sentence:

The lookout man stationed at the top of the tower spotted the enemy approaching and raised the alarm.

Sense 2:

Noun: A person employed on a ship or offshore platform to watch for hazards and alert the crew.

Example Sentence:

Being a lookout man on a fishing boat demands constant focus to ensure the safety of the crew during stormy weather.

Sense 3:

Noun: A criminal who keeps watch to warn accomplices of the approach of law enforcement.

Example Sentence:

The lookout man alerted his partners in crime when he saw police cars approaching the hideout.

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