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Definitions from WordNet

Noun longwool has 1 sense
  1. longwool - a domestic long-wool sheep
    --1 is a kind of
    domestic sheep, Ovis aries

Definitions from the Web



1. A type of coarse and long wool derived from certain breeds of sheep, typically used in the production of carpets, rugs, and heavy fabrics.

Example: The artisan weavers preferred using longwool for creating intricate designs on their carpets.

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1. Describing a breed of sheep that produces long and coarse wool.

Example: The farmer specialized in breeding longwool sheep due to the demand for their high-quality fleece.

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1. Referring to a particular type of yarn or fabric made from longwool.

Example: The fashion designer decided to use longwool fabric for her new collection of winter coats.

Search for longwool fabric on Amazon


1. To have or possess longwool.

Example: The small farm proudly boasted a flock of sheep that longwooled throughout the year.

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