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longicorn beetle


Definitions from WordNet

Noun longicorn beetle has 1 sense
  1. long-horned beetle, longicorn, longicorn beetle - long-bodied beetle having very long antennae
    --1 is a kind of beetle
    --1 is a member of Cerambycidae, family Cerambycidae
    --1 has particulars: sawyer, sawyer beetle

Definitions from the Web

Longicorn Beetle


A longicorn beetle is a type of beetle belonging to the family Cerambycidae, characterized by their long antennae. These beetles are known for their elongated bodies and vibrant colors. They have powerful mandibles and often feed on wood, making them important decomposers in forest ecosystems.



1. A type of beetle belonging to the family Cerambycidae, characterized by long antennae and elongated bodies.

2. A popular insect often found in forests, known for its vibrant colors and feeding on wood.

Sample Sentences:

1. The longicorn beetle had beautiful patterns on its wings.

2. We spotted a longicorn beetle on a fallen tree during our hike.

3. Longicorn beetles are important for breaking down dead wood in the forest.

4. The researcher studied the behavior of longicorn beetles in their natural habitat.

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