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Verb (1st person singular present tense: je livre)

Sense 1:

To deliver or hand over something or someone.

Example sentence:

I will deliver the package to your doorstep tomorrow.

Related products:

Delivery services

Sense 2:

To release or surrender someone or something to an authority.

Example sentence:

The police will deliver the suspect to the custody of the court.

Related products:

Police handcuffs

Verb (3rd person singular present tense: il/elle livre)

Sense 1:

To publish or produce a book, article, or report.

Example sentence:

The author will deliver her next novel in the coming months.

Related products:


Sense 2:

To betray or give away secret information or plans.

Example sentence:

The spy delivered all the confidential documents to the enemy.

Related products:

Spy gadgets

Noun (masculine)

Sense 1:

A delivery person or courier.

Example sentence:

Can you please ask the livrer to drop off the package at the reception?

Related products:

Courier bags

Sense 2:

A book or document containing delivery records or shipments.

Example sentence:

The company keeps the livrer updated with all the delivery details.

Related products:

Record books
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