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little grebe


Definitions from WordNet

Noun little grebe has 1 sense
  1. dabchick, little grebe, Podiceps ruficollis - small European grebe
    --1 is a kind of grebe

Definitions from the Web

Little Grebe

The Little Grebe, also known as the Tachybaptus ruficollis, is a small water bird from the family Podicipedidae. This species is well-known for its distinctive appearance and behavior.


Sense 1 (Noun):

A small water bird, typically 23–29 cm in length, having a dark plumage, a short neck, and a pointed bill.

Example sentence:

The little grebe gracefully dived into the water to catch its prey.

Sense 2 (Adjective):

Referring to or characteristic of a little grebe.

Example sentence:

The little grebe population in this region is steadily increasing.

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