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Part of Speech: Verb

Sense: to scatter or throw objects carelessly or indiscriminately

Description: When used as a verb, "litered" refers to the act of scattering or throwing objects in a careless or indiscriminate manner, resulting in a messy or untidy environment. This term is often associated with causing pollution or clutter by improperly disposing of waste or trash.

Sample Sentence:

She litered the park with candy wrappers and empty soda cans.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: pertaining to a local or narrow area

Description: As an adjective, "litered" is used to describe something that is specific to a particular local or narrow area. It implies a limited range or influence, often indicating that something is not widely known or recognized beyond a small community.

Sample Sentence:

The festival was a celebration of litered traditions and customs that have been passed down for generations in this small town.

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