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Definitions from WordNet

Noun liposarcoma has 1 sense
  1. liposarcoma - sarcoma of fat cells
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web



A liposarcoma is a malignant tumor that arises from the soft tissues, specifically from cells that form adipose or fatty tissue.


  • Medical Sense: A cancerous tumor that originates in the fat cells of connective tissues.
  • Popular Sense: A type of cancer that mostly affects fat tissue found deep within the body.

Sample Sentences:

  1. In the medical world, liposarcoma is considered a rare form of cancer.
  2. John was diagnosed with liposarcoma and had to undergo surgery.
  3. Liposarcoma tends to metastasize and spread to other parts of the body.
  4. Although liposarcomas can occur anywhere in the body, they are commonly found in the thighs and abdomen.

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