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Definitions from WordNet

Noun lipchitz has 1 sense
  1. Lipchitz, Jacques Lipchitz - United States sculptor (born in Lithuania) who pioneered cubist sculpture (1891-1973)
    --1 is a kind of sculptor, sculpturer, carver, statue maker

Definitions from the Web



Noun: Lipchitz refers to a surname of East European Jewish origin. It is often used to refer to the Lithuanian-born Jewish artist Jacques Lipchitz, who was a prominent sculptor of the 20th century.

Verb: To lipchitz means to create or engage in the artistic process of sculpting, particularly in the style and techniques associated with Jacques Lipchitz.

Sample Sentences

  • Jacques Lipchitz was renowned for his innovative use of cubist elements in his sculptures.
  • She loved to lipchitz in her spare time, creating unique and abstract sculptures from recycled materials.
  • The Lipchitz family migrated to the United States in the early 20th century.

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