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light minute


Definitions from WordNet

Noun light minute has 1 sense
  1. light minute - the distance light travels in a vacuum in one minute; approximately 18 million kilometers
    --1 is a kind of
    astronomy unit
    --1 is a part of light year

Definitions from the Web

light minute


A unit of length used to measure distances in space, equal to the distance that light travels in one minute.

Sample Sentence:

The nearest star system to our Solar System, Alpha Centauri, is approximately 4.37 light minutes away.

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Referring to a short period of time, such as a minute, or a distance that can be covered in a minute.

Sample Sentence:

The intense race lasted for a light minute, with the winner finishing just milliseconds ahead of the others.

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To make something illuminate or provide light.

Sample Sentence:

She pressed the switch, causing the room to light up within a minute.

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