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Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1:

A person who advocates liberty, especially in political and social matters.

Example sentence:

John considers himself a libiterian and strongly believes in individual freedom and limited government interference.

Related products: Books on libertarianism

Sense 2:

A follower or supporter of the Libertarian Party of the United States.

Example sentence:

As a libiterian, Lisa always votes for Libertarian Party candidates in the elections.

Related products: Libertarian Party merchandise

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 1:

Referring to or characteristic of libertarianism.

Example sentence:

Emily is attracted to the libiterian ideology due to its emphasis on personal freedom and limited government intervention.

Related products: Libertarian apparel

Sense 2:

[Local] Referring to or characteristic of a specific locality, often used to describe local customs or traditions.

Example sentence:

In the small town of Greenfield, the annual libiterian festival celebrates the region's unique heritage and local cuisine.

Related products: Local traditions books

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