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lexical meaning


Definitions from WordNet

Noun lexical meaning has 1 sense
  1. lexical meaning - the meaning of a word that depends on the nonlinguistic concepts it is used to express
    --1 is a kind of
    meaning, significance, signification, import
    --1 is a part of content word, open-class word

Definitions from the Web

Lexical Meaning


The lexical meaning, also known as the denotative meaning, refers to the literal and dictionary definition of a word or phrase. It represents the basic, straightforward meaning of a word, without any additional connotations or associations.

Example Sentences:


  1. The lexical meaning of the word "cat" is a small domesticated carnivorous mammal.
  2. Students often struggle to understand the lexical meanings of unfamiliar words.


  1. In this context, the lexical meaning of "happy" is synonymous with feeling joy or contentment.
  2. The lexical meaning of the adjective "tall" implies a greater height than average.


  1. The lexical meaning of the verb "run" is to move swiftly on foot.
  2. Understanding the lexical meanings of verbs is crucial for language learners.

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