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levy en masse


Definitions from WordNet

Noun levy en masse has 1 sense
  1. levy, levy en masse - the act of drafting into military service
    --1 is a kind of conscription, muster, draft, selective service

Definitions from the Web

Term: Levy en masse


Levy en masse refers to the policy of conscripting a large number of individuals from a community or region for military service or other purposes. It is often an emergency measure in times of war or crisis where a significant portion of the population is mobilized.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun - Military Conscription:

Levy en masse can be used as a noun to refer to the act or policy of enlisting a large number of individuals for military service. It is typically employed by governments during times of war when rapid mobilization is necessary.

Example Sentence: The country declared a state of emergency and initiated a levy en masse to bolster its armed forces.

2. Verb - Enlist a large group:

Levy en masse can also be used as a verb to describe the action of conscripting or enlisting a significant number of individuals to form a group, often for collective action or a specific purpose.

Example Sentence: The community leaders decided to levy en masse the local residents in order to clean up the park and promote environmental awareness.

3. Adjective - Popular or Local:

As an adjective, levy en masse can describe something that is popular or embraced by a large number of people within a community or region.

Example Sentence: The new restaurant became a levy en masse, with locals flocking to taste their unique cuisine.

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