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Definitions from WordNet

Noun lechatelierite has 1 sense
  1. quartz glass, quartz, vitreous silica, lechatelierite, crystal - colorless glass made of almost pure silica
    --1 is a kind of natural glass

Definitions from the Web


Noun: Lechatelierite is a mineral that is essentially colourless and transparent to translucent. It is a variety of silica and is formed from melting quartz rock or sand under extremely high temperature and pressure. It is often found in association with volcanic activity or meteorite impact sites.

Example sentences:

  • The geologists discovered a stunning specimen of lechatelierite in the volcanic rock formation.
  • Lechatelierite is known for its high purity levels, making it valuable for scientific research.
  • The impact of the meteorite on the Earth's surface resulted in the formation of lechatelierite.

Adjective: The term "lechatelierite" can also be used as an adjective to describe something related to or characteristic of lechatelierite.

Example sentence: The pendant showcased a beautiful, lechatelierite gemstone at its center.

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