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laying dogs


Definitions from the Web

Laying Dogs


Laying dogs refers to a group of dog breeds that have been specifically trained to assist hunters by locating and retrieving game birds.


Sense 1: Use in Hunting

In the context of hunting, laying dogs are highly specialized in tracking down and flushing game birds, such as ducks or pheasants, from their hiding spots. These dogs possess exceptional scenting abilities and are skilled in the art of flushing out birds.

Sample Sentence:

My family decided to go hunting, so we brought along our trusty laying dogs to help us locate and retrieve the ducks.

Sense 2: Types of Laying Dogs

Laying dogs encompass various breeds that are commonly used in hunting scenarios. Some popular examples include Labrador Retrievers, English Springer Spaniels, and Boykin Spaniels.

Sample Sentence:

Labrador Retrievers and Boykin Spaniels are well-known laying dogs due to their exceptional skills in tracking and retrieving game birds.

Sense 3: Local Traditions

In certain regions, laying dogs play a significant role in local traditions, especially during hunting seasons. They are often celebrated and cherished for their integral part in preserving the hunting culture and heritage of the area.

Sample Sentence:

The laying dogs of this region hold a special place in our hearts as they symbolize our local hunting traditions and ensure the continuation of our ancestral practices.

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