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lathyrus vernus


Definitions from WordNet

Noun lathyrus vernus has 1 sense
  1. spring vetchling, spring vetch, Lathyrus vernus - bushy European perennial having nodding racemose violet-blue flowers
    --1 is a kind of vetchling
    --1 is a member of Lathyrus, genus Lathyrus

Definitions from the Web

Lathyrus Vernus

Noun: Lathyrus vernus is a perennial flowering plant belonging to the Fabaceae family, native to Europe and Asia.

Example sentence 1: The Lathyrus vernus in my garden bloomed earlier this year, adding a vibrant splash of color.

Example sentence 2: Lathyrus vernus is commonly known as spring vetchling.

Related products on Amazon:

  1. Lathyrus Vernus Seeds
  2. Lathyrus Vernus Plants
  3. Lathyrus Vernus Gardening Tools
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