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large predicate


Definitions from the Web

Large Predicate

Definition: In grammar, a large predicate refers to a clause or phrase that contains the main verb and all its modifiers and complements.


As a noun:

  1. Understanding grammar is crucial to identifying large predicates.
  2. The English Language Reference book explains the concept of large predicates in depth.

As a verb:

  1. The professor teaches students how to recognize large predicates.
  2. We should study the syntax of sentences to grasp the concept of large predicates.

As an adjective:

  1. John wrote a lengthy essay that had a large predicate.
  2. Her presentation included a comprehensive analysis of large predicates in various languages.

As an adverb:

  1. The sentence was structurally incorrect due to an incorrectly placed large predicate.
  2. He was highly praised for his ability to identify large predicates easily.

As a colloquial term:

  1. Local lingo often refers to a large predicate as a chunk of grammar.
  2. In casual conversations, people sometimes use the term "biggie" to describe a large predicate.

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