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langue d'oc french


Definitions from WordNet

Noun langue d'oc french has 1 sense
  1. Langue d'oc, Langue d'oc French - medieval provincial dialects of French formerly spoken in the south of France
    --1 is a kind of French
    --1 has particulars: Provencal, Occitan

Definitions from the Web

Term: Langue d'oc French

Langue d'oc French, also known as Occitan, is a Romance language spoken mainly in the southern regions of France, Italy's Occitan Valleys, and the Val d'Aran in Spain. It belongs to the Occitano-Romance group of languages and has a rich literary tradition dating back to the Middle Ages.

Sample Sentences:
  1. "I love listening to the enchanting melodies of Langue d'oc French songs."
  2. "Learning to speak Langue d'oc French opens doors to a vibrant cultural heritage."
  3. "The troubadours of the Middle Ages composed their beautiful poetry in Langue d'oc French."
  4. "Tourists are often fascinated by the distinctiveness of Langue d'oc French dialects."
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