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landlocked salmon


Definitions from WordNet

Noun landlocked salmon has 1 sense
  1. landlocked salmon, lake salmon - Atlantic salmon confined to lakes of New England and southeastern Canada
    --1 is a kind of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar

Definitions from the Web

Landlocked Salmon


Landlocked salmon refers to a species of freshwater fish in the salmon family (Salmonidae), which is primarily found in landlocked bodies of water such as lakes and reservoirs.


1. Noun:

Landlocked salmon are known for their distinct silvery coloration and elongated body shape.

Example Sentence:

"I went fishing for landlocked salmon in the pristine lake, hoping to catch a trophy-sized one."

Related Products:

Fishing Rods, Fishing Lures, Fishing Tackle Box

2. Adjective:

The local angling community eagerly waits for the landlocked salmon season to begin.

Example Sentence:

"During the landlocked salmon season, the river is bustling with enthusiastic anglers trying to land their prized catch."

Related Products:

Fishing Hooks, Fishing Line, Fishing Bait

3. Verb:

After patiently waiting for hours, I finally landlocked a massive salmon.

Example Sentence:

"With skillful casting and swift movements, the angler expertly landlocked the salmon into the net."

Related Products:

Landing Net, Fishing Reels, Fishing Gloves
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