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Definitions from WordNet

Noun lakshmi has 1 sense
  1. Lakshmi - Hindu goddess of fortune and prosperity
    --1 is a kind of
    Hindu deity

Definitions from the Web


Noun - Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity

Definition: Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity. She is considered the embodiment of abundance and is worshipped by Hindus as the divine goddess who brings good luck and invites wealth and prosperity into their lives.

Example sentence: During Diwali, devotees pray to Lakshmi for blessings and prosperity.

Noun - Indian Rupee

Definition: In India, Lakshmi is often used colloquially to refer to Indian rupees. The currency symbol for the rupee depicts the Devanagari letter "र" which resembles the goddess Lakshmi.

Example sentence: The shopkeeper charged me 500 Lakshmi for the souvenir.

Adjective - Popular

Definition: Lakshmi can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is popular or widely known.

Example sentence: The restaurant is always crowded; it's a Lakshmi spot among locals.

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