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Definitions from WordNet

Noun laconia has 1 sense
  1. Laconia - an ancient region of southern Greece in the southeastern Peloponnesus; dominated by Sparta
    --1 is a kind of
    geographical area, geographic area, geographical region, geographic region
    --1 is a part of Greece, Hellenic Republic, Ellas
    --1 has member: Laconian

Definitions from the Web



1. A region in ancient Greece, located in the southeastern part of the Peloponnese peninsula.
Example sentence: The city-state of Sparta was the most renowned in Laconia.

2. An obsolete geographical term used to refer to the southeastern region of the modern Peloponnese in Greece.
Example sentence: Exploring the ruins of Mystras is a popular activity for tourists visiting Laconia.


1. Pertaining to or characteristic of the region of Laconia or its people.
Example sentence: The Laconian culture was known for its emphasis on military discipline.

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