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Definitions from WordNet

Noun kwacha has 2 senses
  1. Zambian kwacha, kwacha - the basic unit of money in Zambia
    --1 is a kind of Zambian monetary unit
    --1 has parts: ngwee
  2. Malawi kwacha, kwacha - the basic unit of money in Malawi
    --2 is a kind of Malawian monetary unit
    --2 has parts: tambala

Definitions from the Web



1. The official currency of Zambia.

Sample sentence: The price of bread in Zambia is 10 kwachas.


2. The former currency of Malawi, replaced by the Malawian kwacha.

Sample sentence: During my trip to Malawi, I found an old coin from the Malawian kwacha.


3. A unit of currency in various African countries.

Sample sentence: He exchanged his dollars for kwachas before traveling to Zimbabwe.


1. Referring to or related to the kwacha currency.

Sample sentence: The banknotes with kwacha designs depict important landmarks of the country.

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