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Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: A popular traditional dish originating from the coastal regions of East Africa, typically made of grilled or roasted seafood.

Example Sentence: I tried the delicious kulemeka at a local restaurant and instantly fell in love with the flavors.

Related Products: Kulemeka Recipe Book, Kulemeka Grill Set

Part of Speech: Verb

Definition: To enhance or improve the quality, taste, or appearance of something, often by adding spices or seasonings.

Example Sentence: The chef skillfully kulemekad the dish by adding a unique blend of herbs and spices.

Related Products: Kulemeka Spices Set, Kulemeka Seasoning Blend

Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Referring to a local or regional characteristic; specific to a particular place or community.

Example Sentence: The artist showcased his kulemeka artwork, highlighting the unique elements of the coastal region.

Related Products: Kulemeka Art Prints, Kulemeka Crafts

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