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Definitions from WordNet

Noun kraurosis has 1 sense
  1. kraurosis - atrophy and shriveling of the skin or mucous membrane
    --1 is a kind of
    atrophy, wasting, wasting away
    --1 has particulars: kraurosis vulvae

Definitions from the Web



Kraurosis is a medical condition characterized by the progressive thinning and shrinkage of the skin and mucous membranes.


Noun: Kraurosis

1. The doctor diagnosed her with vulvar kraurosis, causing her discomfort and itching.

2. Kraurosis of the mouth can lead to difficulty in eating and speaking.

Adjective: Kraurotic

1. The patient had kraurotic skin lesions that required careful medical attention.

2. Her kraurotic mucous membranes made it challenging for her to swallow.

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