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koto player


Definitions from WordNet

Noun koto player has 1 sense
  1. koto player - a musician who plays the koto
    --1 is a kind of
    musician, instrumentalist, player

Definitions from the Web

Koto Player

Noun (Singular): A musician who performs on the traditional Japanese string instrument called the koto.

Noun (Plural): Koto players are skilled in playing the koto, a long zither instrument with thirteen strings.

Related Products: Check out these koto instruments and books on Amazon - Koto Instruments, Koto Sheet Music

Example Sentences:

  1. The koto player mesmerized the audience with her captivating performance.
  2. I have always been fascinated by the skill of koto players.
  3. The koto player tuned her instrument meticulously before the concert.
  4. His dream is to become a renowned koto player and perform on international stages.
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