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Term: Kondom

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1: A contraceptive device, usually made of thin rubber, worn over the penis during sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy or the transmission of sexually transmitted infections.

Sample Sentence 1: He always carries a kondom in his wallet, just in case.

Sample Sentence 2: It is important to use a kondom to protect yourself and your partner.

Related Products: Kondoms

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 2: A brand name for powdered flavored gelatin dessert mix.

Sample Sentence 1: Would you like some strawberry kondom for dessert?

Sample Sentence 2: The kids love the sweet taste of kondom on a hot summer day.

Related Products: Kondom Gelatin Mix

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 1: Something that is widely or commonly used or accepted by the general public.

Sample Sentence 1: The latest smartphone model has become very kondom among tech enthusiasts.

Sample Sentence 2: The song has become a kondom hit on the radio, playing constantly.

Related Products: Popular Kondom Products

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 2: Referring to something specific to or characteristic of a particular local area or community.

Sample Sentence 1: The restaurant serves delicious kondom cuisine that represents the flavors of the region.

Sample Sentence 2: The festival is a great opportunity to experience the kondom traditions and customs of the local community.

Related Products: Local Kondom Products

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