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Noun knickers has 2 senses
  1. breeches, knee breeches, knee pants, knickerbockers, knickers - trousers ending above the knee
    --1 is a kind of trousers, pants
    --1 has parts: codpiece
    --1 has particulars: britches; buckskins; plus fours; trunk hose
  2. bloomers, pants, drawers, knickers - (usually in the plural) underpants worn by women; "she was afraid that her bloomers might have been showing"
    --2 is a kind of underpants
knesseth knet knew knicked knicker knicker bocker knickerbocker knickerbockers knickers knickknack knickknackery knickknacks knicknacks knicks kniesel s knife-edge knife-handle

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