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Definitions from WordNet

Noun klystron has 1 sense
  1. klystron - an electron tube used to generate or amplify electromagnetic radiation in the microwave region by velocity modulation
    --1 is a kind of
    tube, vacuum tube, thermionic vacuum tube, thermionic tube, electron tube, thermionic valve

Definitions from the Web



A klystron is a specialized vacuum tube used in electronic systems, particularly in microwave technology. It is capable of generating, amplifying, and manipulating high-frequency electromagnetic waves.

Sample Sentences:

As a noun:

1. The scientist used a klystron to amplify the microwave signal.

2. The klystron is an integral component of many radar systems.

As a verb:

1. The engineer klystroned the electromagnetic waves for further modulation.

2. They successfully klystroned the high-frequency circuit for improved signal quality.

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