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kingdom of morocco

Noun kingdom of morocco has 1 sense
  1. Morocco, Kingdom of Morocco, Maroc, Marruecos, Al-Magrib - a kingdom (constitutional monarchy) in northwestern Africa with a largely Muslim population; achieved independence from France in 1956
    --1 is a kind of African country, African nation
    --1 is a part of Maghreb, Mahgrib
    --1 is a member of Arab League
    --1 has parts:
     Casablanca; El Aaium; Fez, Fes; Marrakesh, Marrakech; Oujda; Rabat, capital of Morocco; Tangier, Tangiers; Western Sahara, Spanish Sahara; Atlas Mountains; Jebel Musa, Abila, Abyla
    --1 has members: Moroccan
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