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kick down


Definitions from WordNet

Verb kick down has 1 sense
  1. kick in, kick down - open violently; "kick in the doors"
    --1 is one way to destroy, ruin
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something

Definitions from the Web

Kick Down


1. A forceful downward kick or stroke.

Example sentence: The martial artist delivered a powerful kick down on his opponent's chest.


1. To forcefully push or knock something down using a kick.

Example sentence: The children decided to kick down the sandcastle they had built.

2. (of a car) To change down to a lower gear for increased speed or power.

Example sentence: He had to kick down to second gear to tackle the steep hill.

Synonyms: push down, knock down, topple, downshift

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Kick Down Training Target

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