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Definitions from WordNet

Noun keyhole has 1 sense
  1. keyhole - the hole where a key is inserted
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 is a part of lock

Definitions from the Web



A keyhole is a small, round or oval-shaped hole in a door, lock, or other barrier that is intended for inserting a key to unlock or access the item.


  1. Noun: A hole in a lock or door where a key is inserted.
  2. Verb: To create a small, round or oval-shaped hole.
  3. Adjective: Referring to something related to a keyhole.


Popular Usage (Noun):

A keyhole is a common feature in doors and locks, allowing the insertion of a key to lock or unlock them.

Example sentence 1: The detective carefully examined the keyhole for any signs of tampering.

Example sentence 2: She peered through the keyhole to see who was outside the room.

Local Usage (Verb):

In some regions, keyhole is used as a verb to describe the act of creating a small hole, typically for decorative or functional purposes.

Example sentence 1: The woodworker keyholed each piece of the cabinet to add an artistic touch.

Example sentence 2: The artist keyholed the canvas before beginning the painting.


Keyhole can also function as an adjective to describe something that is related to or resembles a keyhole.

Example sentence 1: The antique mirror had an intricate keyhole design on its frame.

Example sentence 2: The pendant necklace featured a keyhole-shaped pendant.

Related Products:

Keyhole Door Locks on Amazon
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