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Ke is a term with multiple uses and meanings.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun: Ke can refer to a unit of measurement in physics, kilo-electronvolt.
  • Noun: Ke is a short form for the word "ketchup," a popular sauce made from tomatoes.
  • Noun: In Hawaiian culture, Ke is used as an honorific term preceding a name, equivalent to "Mr." or "Mrs."
  • Verb (transitive): Ke can mean to stake a claim or assert ownership over something.

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

Noun - Kilo-electronvolt: A kilo-electronvolt, abbreviated as keV, is a unit of energy used in physics, equal to one thousand electron volts.

Example sentence: The particle's energy was measured at 10 keV.

Related product: Kiloelectronvolt

Sense 2:

Noun - Ketchup: Ke is a colloquial term for ketchup, a thick, tangy sauce typically made from tomatoes.

Example sentence: Can you pass me the ke for my fries?

Related product: Ketchup

Sense 3:

Noun - Hawaiian Honorific: In Hawaiian culture, Ke is a gender-neutral honorific term used prior to a person's name as a sign of respect and formal address.

Example sentence: Aloha, Ke John, how are you today?

Sense 4:

Verb (transitive) - Assert ownership: Ke can function as a verb meaning to assert a claim or ownership over something.

Example sentence: The company plans to ke the territory for themselves.

Note: The usage and meanings of terms may vary in different contexts, regions, or cultures. The above descriptions provide general explanations.

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