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Definitions from WordNet

Noun katzenjammer has 2 senses
  1. hangover, katzenjammer - disagreeable aftereffects from the use of drugs (especially alcohol)
    --1 is a kind of discomfort, uncomfortableness
  2. hubbub, uproar, brouhaha, katzenjammer - loud confused noise from many sources
    --2 is a kind of noise

Definitions from the Web



Definition: A hangover; severe headache or distress after excessive drinking.

Example sentence: After a night of heavy drinking, Mark woke up with a terrible katzenjammer.


Definition: A state of confusion, chaos, or uproar.

Example sentence: The office was in a katzenjammer after the announcement of the company's bankruptcy.


Definition: Several symptoms, including anxiety, depression, and fatigue, experienced after intense emotional stress.

Example sentence: Sarah was going through a katzenjammer following the loss of her loved one.

Related products: Hangover remedies on Amazon, Headache relief products on Amazon

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