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karl wilhelm siemens


Definitions from WordNet

Noun karl wilhelm siemens has 1 sense
  1. Siemens, Karl Wilhelm Siemens, Sir Charles William Siemens - engineer who was a brother of Ernst Werner von Siemens and who moved to England (1823-1883)
    --1 is a kind of engineer, applied scientist, technologist

Definitions from the Web

Karl Wilhelm Siemens

Type: Proper noun


  1. (Person) A German-British inventor and electrical engineer. Co-founder of the Siemens & Halske company.
  2. (Surname) A German surname derived from the given name Karl.

Sample Sentences:

  1. Karl Wilhelm Siemens made significant contributions to the field of electrical engineering.
  2. Siemens is a well-known family name in Germany.

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