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kalashnikov culture


Definitions from WordNet

Noun kalashnikov culture has 1 sense
  1. Kalashnikov culture - the attitudes and behavior in a social group that resolves political disputes by force of arms; "the Kalashnikov culture in Afghanistan"
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Kalashnikov Culture

Definition: Kalashnikov culture refers to the widespread popularity, influence, and impact of the AK-47 assault rifle and its variants in various aspects of society, particularly in regions where it is extensively used or recognized.


  1. As a Noun:
    • The Kalashnikov culture dominates the warfare dynamics in many conflict-ridden regions.
    • The AK-47 has become an integral part of the Kalashnikov culture.
    • Documentaries have been made exploring the origins and repercussions of the Kalashnikov culture.
  2. As an Adjective:
    • His artwork reveals the influence of Kalashnikov culture.
    • The local music scene is heavily inspired by the Kalashnikov culture.
    • There is a rising demand for Kalashnikov culture-themed merchandise.
  3. As a Phrase:
    • The region is known for its Kalashnikov culture, where even children are familiar with firearms.
    • The Kalashnikov culture has deeply shaped the traditions and way of life.
    • Exploring the roots of the Kalashnikov culture can provide valuable insights into the society.'

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