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Noun judas has 4 senses
  1. Jude, Saint Jude, St. Jude, Judas, Thaddaeus - (New Testament) supposed brother of St James; one of the Apostles who is invoked in prayer when a situation seems hopeless
    --1 is a kind of Apostle; saint
  2. Judas, Judas Iscariot - (New Testament) the Apostle who betrayed Jesus to his enemies for 30 pieces of silver
    --2 is a kind of Apostle
  3. Judas - someone who betrays under the guise of friendship
    --3 is a kind of
    double-crosser, double-dealer, two-timer, betrayer, traitor
  4. judas - a one-way peephole in a door
    --4 is a kind of
    peephole, spyhole
judaical judaism judaist judao judas judas iscariot judas maccabaeus judas tree judases judbe judciary judder, judder judder antonyms jude judea judegment

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