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joseph's coat


Definitions from WordNet

Noun joseph's coat has 1 sense
  1. painted nettle, Joseph's coat, Coleus blumei, Solenostemon blumei, Solenostemon scutellarioides - perennial aromatic herb of southeastern Asia having large usually bright-colored or blotched leaves and spikes of blue-violet flowers; sometimes placed in genus Solenostemon
    --1 is a kind of coleus, flame nettle

Definitions from the Web

Term: Joseph's coat


  1. A brightly colored ornamental plant (Alternanthera spp.) with leaves displaying various shades of red, pink, yellow, orange, and green, often cultivated in gardens for its vibrant foliage.
  2. A multicolored coat traditionally associated with the biblical figure, Joseph, and symbolizing his father's favouritism towards him.
  3. A flowering vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) with abundant, small, red, tubular flowers, also known as "Cardinal Creeper".

Example sentences:

  • I planted some Joseph's coat in my garden to add bursts of vibrant color.
  • The children's play depicted Joseph wearing his coat of many colors.
  • The crimson flowers of the Joseph's coat vine attracted numerous hummingbirds.

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