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john edward masefield


Definitions from WordNet

Noun john edward masefield has 1 sense
  1. Masefield, John Masefield, John Edward Masefield - English poet (1878-1967)
    --1 is a kind of poet

Definitions from the Web

John Edward Masefield


John Edward Masefield was an English poet and writer. Known for his vivid storytelling and descriptive language, Masefield's works often explored themes of adventure, the sea, and the human condition.


1. Proper Noun - Person

In this sense, John Edward Masefield refers to the English poet and writer himself.

Sample Sentence:

John Edward Masefield's popular poem "Sea-Fever" beautifully captures the allure of the ocean.

2. Adjective

In this sense, John Edward Masefield describes something related to or characteristic of the works or style of John Edward Masefield.

Sample Sentence:

The poem had a John Edward Masefield vibe, with its vivid imagery and enchanting storytelling.

3. Noun - Book

In this sense, John Edward Masefield refers to any book written by John Edward Masefield.

Sample Sentence:

I recently immersed myself in John Edward Masefield's masterpiece, "The Midnight Folk," a whimsical tale of magic and adventure.

4. Noun - Collection

In this sense, John Edward Masefield refers to a collection of works or writings by John Edward Masefield.

Sample Sentence:

You should explore the entirety of the John Edward Masefield collection to truly appreciate the breadth and depth of his literary genius.

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