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japan clover


Definitions from WordNet

Noun japan clover has 1 sense
  1. japanese clover, japan clover, jap clover, Lespedeza striata - an annual of tropical Asia naturalized in United States
    --1 is a kind of bush clover, lespedeza
    --1 is a member of genus Lespedeza

Definitions from the Web

Japan Clover


Japan Clover refers to a species of clover that is native to Japan. It is a small, herbaceous plant that belongs to the legume family. Japan Clover is characterized by its trifoliate leaves and small, pink or purple flowers.


Japan Clover can be used in various ways, both popular and local:

  • Popular: Japan Clover is known for its versatility in gardens and landscaping. It can be planted as ground cover or used in borders and containers to add a vibrant touch to any landscape.
  • Local: In Japan, Japan Clover holds cultural significance. It is often associated with traditional tea ceremonies and is considered a symbol of good fortune and luck.


Here are a few examples showcasing the different uses and senses of Japan Clover:

  1. Popular:
  2. "I planted Japan Clovers in my garden, and they have beautifully filled in the empty spaces."

    "The Japan Clover in the container adds a vibrant touch to my balcony."

  3. Local:
  4. "As a part of the tea ceremony, the host carefully arranged Japan Clovers in the tokonoma."

    "According to Japanese folklore, finding a four-leaf Japan Clover brings extraordinary luck."

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