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james watt


Definitions from WordNet

Noun james watt has 1 sense
  1. Watt, James Watt - Scottish engineer and inventor whose improvements in the steam engine led to its wide use in industry (1736-1819)
    --1 is a kind of engineer, applied scientist, technologist; inventor, discoverer, artificer

Definitions from the Web

James Watt


James Watt refers to a Scottish engineer and inventor who contributed to the development of the steam engine during the 18th century. His improvements to the steam engine helped revolutionize industries such as mining, manufacturing, and transportation.


Sample Sentences:

  • James Watt's steam engine was instrumental in powering the Industrial Revolution.
  • Thanks to James Watt's innovations, steam engines became more efficient and reliable.
  • The mechanical horsepower, a unit of power, was created by James Watt.
  • When studying engineering, it is important to learn about the contributions of James Watt.

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