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Definitions from WordNet

Noun jak has 1 sense
  1. jackfruit, jak, jack - immense East Indian fruit resembling breadfruit of; its seeds are commonly roasted
    --1 is a kind of edible fruit
    --1 is a part of jackfruit, jackfruit tree, Artocarpus heterophyllus

Definitions from the Web


Noun - Sense 1: A seedy Oriental plant

The jak is a deciduous tree native to South Asia with large ellipsoidal fruit, commonly known as jackfruit, that is often used in cooking.

Example sentence: The jak tree in our backyard produces an abundant harvest of jackfruits every season.

Noun - Sense 2: A type of leather

Jak leather is a durable material made from the hide of a water buffalo.

Example sentence: The artisan crafted a stylish wallet using high-quality jak leather.

Noun - Sense 3: A nickname or abbreviation

Jak is a commonly used nickname for individuals named Jacob.

Example sentence: Hey Jak, are you joining us for lunch today?

Adjective: Local

Jak is an adjective often used to describe something or someone as being from or related to Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.

Example sentence: The Jak cuisine is well-known for its spicy flavors.

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