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Definitions from WordNet

Noun izar has 1 sense
  1. izar - a voluminous cotton outer garment (usually white) traditionally worn by Muslim women of northern Africa and the Middle East; covers the entire body
    --1 is a kind of
    overgarment, outer garment

Definitions from the Web


Noun - Clothing

1. A traditional Spanish garment worn by women, consisting of a long skirt that is usually brightly colored and worn over a petticoat.

Example Sentence: She twirled and danced in her vibrant izar, capturing the attention of everyone at the festival.

Noun - Astronomy

1. A large dark patch of low albedo on the surface of Saturn's moon, Tethys.

Example Sentence: The astronomers were fascinated by the mysterious izar on Tethys, wondering about its origin and composition.

Verb - Local Usage

1. (Local slang) To take a nap or rest during the daytime.

Example Sentence: After a long morning of work, she decided to izar on the couch for a while, rejuvenating her energy.

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